
General Information

Full Name Özgür Aslan
Languages Turkish, English


  • 2024-2028
    Ph.D., Computer Science and Operations Research
    Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • 2021-2024
    M.Sc., Computer Engineering
    Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
    • CGPA 4.0/4.0
  • 2016-2021
    B.Sc., Computer Engineering
    Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
    • CGPA 3.88/4.0 (4th out of 229 students)


  • 2024 -
    Research Student
    Quebec Ai Institute (Mila)
    • Working on generalist robot policies
  • 2021 - 2024
    Research Assistant
    Kovan Lab, Romer, METU
    • Worked on Tübitak-1001 Project called “KALFA New Methods for Assembly Scenarios with Collaborative Robots”.
    • Implemented a graph neural network based reinforcement learning agent for sequential assembly learning problem. Devised a function that compares the current assembly point cloud and target assembly point cloud and computes a reward for the agent.
    • Currently working on error detection and mitigation in assembly sequences using causal inference.
    • Co-advised Romer summer interns of 2022 and 2023.
    • Co-advised a 2022 computer engineering graduation project called ChessMate.
    • Prepared a website for ROMER (Center for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence).
  • 2021
    Graduation Project
    Computer Engineering Dept. METU
    • Worked on a robotics project called “URHuman Teleoperation of Manipulator Arm with Hand Movements”, which is awarded 2nd place.
    • The aim of the project was controlling a Universal Robots UR5 manipulator arm using hand movements captured by an RGB camera.
    • The project included working on learning-based solutions for hand tracking, velocity control, collision avoidance, and motion smoothing.
    • Mainly worked on mapping of hand movement to velocity of the robot joints and motion smoothing.
  • 2021 - 2022
    Master Courses' Projects
    Computer Engineering Dept. METU
    • Studied and implemented “Learning Part Generation and Assembly for Structureaware Shape Synthesis” paper for the Deep Learning course.
    • Implemented and presented “Reinforced Attention for Few-Shot Learning and Beyond” paper for the Advanced Deep Learning course.
    • Studied and implemented “HistoGAN Controlling Colors of GAN-Generated and Real Images via Color Histograms” paper.
  • 2019 - 2020
    Kovan Research Lab, METU
    • Done two internships at Kovan Research Lab.
    • At the first internship, studied and presented object detection algorithms such as RCNN, Fast RCNN, Faster RCNN, and YOLO. Implemented an object detection pipeline using RotationNet and tabletop segmentation of the object point clouds using the PCL library.
    • At the second internship, worked on gaze detection and its applications to human robot interaction. Used “RT-GENE and RT-BENE Real-Time Eye Gaze and Blink Estimation in Natural Environments” for gaze detection, and combined it with motion control to enable UR5 arm to point where a human is looking at.
    • Also, studied causal inference and causal discovery with reinforcement learning.

Academic Interests

  • Robotics
    • Generalized policies
    • Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Reinforcement Learning
    • Weak Supervision
    • Model Based Learning
  • Causality
    • Causal Discovery